Course curriculum

  • 1

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter One

    • cycles within cycles - chapter one

  • 2

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Two

    • cycles within cycles - chapter two

  • 3

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Three

    • cycles within cycles - chapter three

  • 4

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Four

    • cycles within cycles - chapter four

  • 5

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Five

    • cycles within cycles - chapter five

  • 6

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Six

    • cycles within cycles - chapter six

  • 7

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Seven

    • cycles within cycles - chapter seven

  • 8

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Eight

    • cycles within cycles - chapter eight

  • 9

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Nine

    • cycles within cycles - chapter nine

  • 10

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Ten

    • cycles within cycles - chapter ten

  • 11

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Eleven

    • cycles within cycles - chapter eleven

  • 12

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Twelve

    • cycles within cycles - chapter twelve

  • 13

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Thirteen

    • cycles within cycles - chapter thirteen

  • 14

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Fourteen

    • cycles within cycles - chapter fourteen

  • 15

    Cycles within Cycles - Chapter Fifteen

    • cycles within cycles - chapter fifteen

Without changing the order of notes in the original line, adding a single rest after a determined number of notes will cause a disruption of the flow, setting a new framework for the working unit.
Please note that access to chapters inside the course is arranged with 7-day intervals. You can view Chapter 1 immediately after purchase, Chapter 2 releases 7 days after, Chapter 3 will be available 14 days after, etc.
